灘 本 唯 人

主な作品に「women」「にんげんもよう」、週刊朝日連載 森繁久彌「にんげん望艶鏡」、新潮社連載 古波蔵保好「とっておきの味な話」、朝日新聞連載 佐藤愛子「凪の光景」、田辺聖子 「女が愛に生きるとき」 、赤川次郎 「死者は空中を歩く」等他多数。 2016年7月永眠。
1970年 日本サインデザイン協会金賞受賞
1979年 講談社出版文化賞受賞
1981年 ニューヨーク・ジャパン・グラフィックデザイン大賞受賞
1983年 フジサンケイグループ雑誌広告賞受賞
1993年 紫綬褒章受章
2003年 勲四等旭日綬章受章
2008年 桑沢特別賞
Tadahito Nadamoto is a Japanese graphic artist, illustrator and painter born on Feb 12, 1926. He started his professional career as a graphic designer at Sanyo Electric Railway Co, in 1956 and joined Yoshio Hayakawa's design office in 1961. He is the founder of the Tokyo Illustrators Club (TIC), which was formed alongside Tadanori Yoko, Aquirax Uno, and Makoto Wada in 1965. He made his way to Tokyo in 1967 and opened his own studio in Roppongi when he became a freelance illustrator. He is also the founder of the Tokyo Illustrators Society (1988).
He has received numerous awards including the Gold Medal of the SDA (1970), Kodansha Cultural Award in Publishing (1979), New York Japan Graphic Design Award (1983), Magazine Award of the Fuji Sankei Group (1983), and Kuwasawa Design Award (2008). He was the first illustrator to receive the Purple Ribbon Medal in 1993 and he has also received the Order of the Rising Sun (4th Class, Gold Rays with Rosette) in 2003. He is also the first Japanese illustrator to hold an exhibition in Seoul in 1983.